What Makes Early Gum Disease Reversible?

Lower Teeth

Gum disease is a condition that affects the tissues surrounding and supporting your teeth. It is caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth. This condition is responsible for teeth loss among most adults. In many cases, tooth decay is painless, meaning it is hard to detect it. In its early stages, gum disease can be reversed by treatment. This is why it is important to get it treated as early as possible.

Reversing Gum Disease

There have been many questions and concerns as to whether gum disease can be reversed. To address this, there are several factors that make early gum disease reversible. For instance, when the condition is detected early, it is reversible. Also, if bleeding gums primarily characterize the condition, it most likely to be in the early stages. At this point, this condition can easily be treated by regularly and carefully brushing and flossing your teeth. It would be best if you also came in for regular dental checks. However, if gum disease is not treated on time, it will advance into a condition known as periodontitis. This is a more severe stage that will destroy the bone and gums around your teeth.

Advanced cases will cause an infection to the part of the jawbone supporting your teeth, making them loose. After some time, the tooth can fall out. Once the condition reaches this stage, it is irreversible. Treating this condition will need highly advanced medications. This is why you shouldn’t let the condition reach this stage.

You should also help prevent the spread of gum disease by avoiding certain foods. This is because certain foods with high sugar levels can be dangerous when dealing with gum disease since bacteria will feed on the food particles and build up to form plaque and tartar. Visit our offices for more information on how to reverse gum disease.