Do You Only Get Gum Disease as an Older Person?

Lower Teeth

Gum disease is caused by an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. It can be caused by lack of oral care, and other risk factors. It is most important to bush and flush daily to make sure that the risk for gum disease is limited. If gum disease is left untreated, it can lead to more serious health concerns and issues throughout the entire body.

How Is Gum Disease Caused?

Our mouths always contain bacteria, some that is good and some that is not. There is also mucus, food particles, and other things that constantly form plaque on the teeth. Brushing, flossing, and our normal saliva help us get rid of the unwanted plaque on the teeth and gums. If the plaque develops into tarter, it can only be removed during a professional cleaning. There are also risk factors that are not related to daily oral hygiene, including smoking, diabetes, hormones, and medications. Dry mouth, or any concerns related to limited saliva can also increase the chances that plaque and other unwanted particles remain stuck in the teeth.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

There are symptoms to be mindful of that may mean gum disease is developing or has begun to develop. Bad breath or bad taste in the mouth are common, as well as red or swollen gums. Other symptoms may also be tender or bleeding gums, painful chewing, loose teeth, sensitive teeth, or receding gums.

Due to the risk factors associated with gum disease, it is true that people of all ages can develop gum disease. If you have symptoms associated with gum disease, or you have questions related to gum disease treatment, please give our office a call and our periodontists will gladly help.