Do I Have Enough Jawbone for Dental Implants?

Cassity Implants and Periodontics

Dental Implants in South Ogden, UT

Dental implants have surged in popularity because of their ability to perfectly mimic real teeth, both in function and aesthetics. The only caveat is that you need adequate jawbone mass to support dental implants. Consider booking an appointment with our dental implant specialists, Dr. Cassity and Dr. Badger at Cassity & Legacy Implants and Periodontics.
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Do I Have Enough Jawbone for Dental Implants

To determine if you have enough jawbone for a dental implant, our oral surgeons would ask you to undergo several examinations consisting of x-rays and other tests. The information from these tests is then used to generate a panoramic 3D image of your mouth. This reveals useful data about your mouth in regard to the upper and lower teeth, nerve positioning, and sinuses.

Oral surgeons use this information to make an educated guess about whether you’re ready for a dental implant or not. Patients who are deemed to not have an adequate bone mass for implant dentures may be asked to undergo bone graft surgery. In some cases, the patient may opt for mini dental implants instead. Mini implants are smaller versions of regular dental implants that have the thickness of a toothpick. They allow for quicker healing times since less bone is used. However, mini implants do not provide a high enough maximal bite force and are a lot more unstable. This means patients must be careful when chewing foods so as not to accidentally misplace their mini implants.

smiling middle aged woman with cup of coffee

What Is a Bone Graft?

A bone graft is a surgical procedure where an oral surgeon attempts to rebuild missing or damaged bones in the mouth. The procedure adds more density and volume to the jawbone, which can, in turn, support a dental implant. Depending on the patient's preferences, the donor bone may come from other areas of their own body, a cadaver, an animal, or even a synthetic material known as hydroxyapatite. In all cases, the bone graft will prevent further loss of teeth and provide a stable ground for a new dental implant.
A South Ogden & Kaysville woman is happy to have adequate jawbone mass to support dental implants.

Common Dental Implant FAQs

For more information and to determine if you're a candidate for dental implants, book an appointment at Cassity & Legacy Implants and Periodontics by calling us at South Ogden: 801-475-5577 or Kaysville: 801-444-2696.

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