South Ogden
What You Need to Know About Bone Grafting
Bone grafting is a dental procedure for people with severe bone loss. It involves adding bone-like materials or bones that help promote bone regeneration. Grafting helps improve the strength of your jaw structure. Some of the things you need to know about bone grafting include the following:

Types of Bone Grafts
Bone grafts can be obtained from various sources. Allografts are bone grafts obtained from another person known as the donor. Autografts are obtained from healthy parts of your jawbone. Other types include synthetic bone graft materials made using artificial materials. Also, the grafts can be obtained from animal donors and are referred to as xenografts.
Top Reasons for Bone Grafting
Bone grafting is recommended for people with poor jawbone mass and volume. It can be recommended for patients who experience bone loss due to periodontal disease, trauma, or missing teeth. A dentist checks your bone’s strength and decides whether grafting is necessary. If you have surrounding healthy bone, the surgeon can extract the grafting material from it. However, animal or human donors are considered for people with severe bone loss.
Bone Grafting Procedure
Bone grafting is an invasive procedure and should be done under anesthesia. The dentist or oral surgeon makes incisions on your gum and exposes the jawbone. They then proceed to attach the bone graft and stitch them into place. The graft material can take a few months to blend with your bone tissues. After the integration, the bone will start to grow again. For faster healing, you must adhere to the surgeon’s instructions and maintain good oral hygiene.
Bone grafting is an effective and safe way to restore the volume and mass of the jawbone. If you have several missing teeth or advanced gum disease, it is possible to have bone loss. A dentist will evaluate your case and check whether grafting can solve the problem.