South Ogden
How To Avoid Any Discomfort From Scaling And Root Planing

It is important to treat the buildup of plaque as early as possible the first type of treatment for this and for the onset of gum disease is to improve oral hygiene habits and get a professional cleaning. The further the problems progress the more difficult they are to treat. In the later stages the treatment switched to scaling and root planning. This procedure can lead to discomfort and pain, but with proper planning, it is possible to minimize these issues.
Preparing for the Dental Procedure
The first step to avoiding discomfort from scaling and root planning comes in preparation. Scaling and root planing is a procedure that removes the bacteria buildup that causes gum disease. It involves scraping the plaque from the teeth and the gums and then smoothing down the surface of the gums and teeth. None of that sounds like fun, but that does not mean it has to result in pain.
Prepare yourself mentally. Use relaxation techniques before the procedure to help you relax as much as possible. Before the procedure starts we use different medications to numb the area. Sedation is possible to help avoid any pain during the procedure.
Aftercare Instructions
The medications used during the procedure do not last forever. It also takes time to heal from scaling and root planning. When you get home, there are several things to do to keep the discomfort to a minimum. Rinsing with warm salt water is one of the best ways to soothe the teeth and gums. Over the counter pain medications and topical anesthetics are also helpful to relieve any discomfort.
The best way to avoid discomfort is with a positive state of mind. Medications can help, but knowing that you are doing the right things for your oral and overall health is the best medicine you can use.
For more information about this or any other dental health issue, contact our office today to schedule an appointment.